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Juvenile Detention Volunteer Program with Sister Pauline. Today I got to experience presenting to a group of young men and women, just kids really, at the Brown County Juvenile Detention Center. There were 10 total, 8 males and 2 females. This encounter was all due to a chance meeting with an amazing woman, Sister Pauline Quinn. Let me go back a bit and explain how this all occurred. The morning of June 4.
Is a smoothie subscription delivery service that is making it fun and easy to start your day with a healthy decision. Each week, we deliver pre-measured ingredients and superfoods to make premium smoothies at home. We are a small, smart, and tech-savvy team, that moves fast. We are passionate about helping people and building a great company. Join us and change the way people relate to their health.
This is the date of the 2nd annual Off-the-grid Concert and EcoFest. No need to be fancy, just an overview.